Water Information Science

"Introduction to the state-of-the-art water management techniques of the 21st century"

Water Information Science is a cross-disciplinary study of engineering, informatics, and science, involving technology, human society, and environmental concerns. It is a discipline that maximizes the scope of information engineering and leads to the water environment and water resource management aspects. Experts and businessmen working in the water related fields by holding special sessions on water information science from the 1st World Urban Water Forum It aims to establish the sustainability of water environment and water resources to the next generation by achieving fast and accurate work and direction decision through the convergence of information and technology to technicians, managers and decision makers.

As human activity evolves, water management is becoming increasingly complex as meteorological changes occur and the earth's population grows.
Therefore, the challenge for the management of water resources in consideration of sustainable development and aquatic environment around the world is being made, and it will be a representative challenge for future development.
The decisive purpose of these challenges is to achieve a complete overcoming or minimization of large problems such as the supply crisis for increased water demand and the treatment of sewage caused by increased population, famine in irrigation water, and flooding.

Twenty years ago in Europe, water information science emerged as a central element for the advancement of computer modeling technology and the simultaneous management of theories and phenomena.

Information and communication engineering (ICT) has led to reforms in engineering activities in the field of hydraulic hydrology greatly expanding the potential of the tools involved. The development of information and communication engineering has caused a great synergy effect on the use of various computer simulations and communication engineering in the problems of physical, social and economic fields. The real meaning of water informatics is to make it possible for the results and opinions of experts to be fully communicated to decision makers and to ensure that experts meet social requirements.

Theoretically, these activities are feasible by ICT, but in practice, there is a need for experts with the skills necessary to understand everything in the organization of politics, research, business, etc. and to understand relevant knowledge and new things.

In other words, the âfermentationâ process allows professionals to know not only how to build dams and how to supply water, but also the ability to use expert peripheral knowledge to communicate with non-experts and change their thinking. This is necessary.